An Inquiry into the Roots of Mulla Sadra’s Principles in Body-and-Mind Union in Suhrawardi’s Theory of Mind

Document Type : Original Article


1 A PhD. Student Pardis Farabi University of Tehran

2 A PhD. holder of philosophy of ethics from Baqir-u al-Ulum University


In their article, the authors have tried to show that Sadra’s theory of mind is a developed form of Suhrawardi’s. In his explanation of body-and-mind relation, Suhrawardi has broken with the peripatetic philosophy; he has taken the primary steps duly, but failed to accomplish it. He failed to come up with Sadra’s theory of body-and-mind identical unity; however, as per his system of light and real ties in the graded spectrum of light, Suhrawardi paved the way for Mulla Sadra to propose the rule “the soul in its unity is identical with its faculties”, celebrated as “unity within multiplicity and multiplicity within unity”. Mind is a graded entity which in the grade of corporeality is identical with the body and in the grade of incorporeality is higher than the body.  The entity of mind is not confined within the grade of body, rather, it encompasses all grades from corporeal matter to incorporeal spirit..


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