The Examination of Objections Leveled at Sadra’s Account of the Rule “The Soul in Its Unity is identical with All Faculties”

Document Type : Original Article


A PhD. holder of Islamic philosophy from Baqir-u al-Ulum University


The rule “the union of the soul and its faculties” or “the soul in its unity is identical with all faculties” is one of the fundamental bases of the study of soul in transcendent theosophy whose functions and outcomes are to be sought in ontology and theology. This rule being proposed to explain the multiplicity of faculties in one single soul came under many criticisms and objections. Some contemporary philosophers who looked at it critically hold that they can hardly prove it or it hardly works or its for-arguments fail. The possible maximum use of this rule owes to the answer to those objections rescuing it from piercing criticisms.
In his article, the author has studied the foremost objections against the rule –particularly those of Ayatullah Misbah and of Ayatullah Fayyazi- in order to come up with Mulla Sadra’s final word about the rule. He has adopted the descriptive-analytic method.
The conclusion is that through Mulla Sadr’s words in his many works, his account of the chronology of the issue, and separating his earlier words from the final one, one can offer the answer to the most of those objections.


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