The Theory of the Hereafter Perpetual Torment in the Light of Mulla Sadra and Hakim Sabziwari’s Viewpoints

Document Type : Original Article


1 A PhD. student of philosophy at Baqir al-Ulum University

2 An associate professor and faculty member at Pardis Farabi of Tehran University

3 An associate professor and faculty member at Razawi University of Islamic Studies


Mulla Sadra’s rational explanation of “termination of the after death torment” came under Sabziwari's several criticisms. He has leveled two criticisms to Mulla Sadra’s point of view: first is based on the denial of the “no compulsion persists” rule, and second on that the God-given innate nature does not go away, even as to those who shall suffer due to their nature and temper. Sabziwari holds that through regular practice evil habits go implanted in the soul of damned people as an inseparable part of their nature. Therefore, there will be no room to resort to the "no compulsion persists" rule in order to prove the termination of torment. Furthermore, it is incorrect to argue that the torment of some people depends on their temper and required nature, because the God-given nature keeps exiting. According to Mulla Sadra’s viewpoint, however, none of the two criticisms are acceptable, because he merely applies the rule to one case and one particular people of hell punishment; the very viewpoint is embraced by Sabziwari himself, too. Accordingly, Mulla Sadra has never held that the God-given nature of all people in hellfire goes away. In this essay, the authors have comparatively and analytically examined this issue in detail.


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