Study of the Status of Generally-Accepted Premises in Practical Philosophy in the Light of Ibn Sina’s Words

Document Type : Original Article


A student of 4th grade of seminary school, Qom


Muslim philosophers such as Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and  Farabi hold that the generally-accepted premises of practical philosophy have their roots in reality and they are thus counted as the principles of that branch of philosophy. This, however, does not mean that all generally-accepted premises are evident, because their mere acceptance does not imply that they should rationally be accepted. The generally-accepted premises in the practical philosophy, Ibn Sina  argues, are not in need of demonstration for their celebration; nonetheless, they are to be vindicated when used as proofs been reckoned as theoretical propositions. Accordingly, making use of generally-accepted premises in practical philosophy is different from that in theology.
    In practical philosophy, we may use generally-accepted premises which are true, and their truth if not evident might be vindicated by proofs. This is while our concern in theology is not to make use of true generally-accepted premises, since a theologian seeks to defend religion through polemics and convincing methods, as well. It comes out that Muhaqeq Isfahani and Ayatullah Abedi Shahrudi’s ideas that Ibn Sina ’s practical philosophy depends on generally-accepted premises, rather than the certain ones, are not compatible with Avicenna’s thought.





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