The Examination of Different Aspects of Occultation and its ties to the Imam’s Appearance

Document Type : Original Article


An associate professor and a faculty member at the Research Center of Islamic Culture and Sciences.


In what follows, the author has examined the concept of Occultation and its ties to the Imam’s appearance. In order to study the issue, one is to analyze different aspects and constituents of Occultation. The earlier conducted researches suggest that Occultation has three aspects: the what question, the how question, and the why question of it, each of which demonstrates various concepts.
In the course of this research, the first aspect goes to analyze the concept of Occultation, the second aspect explains how it happened in its epistemic and physical forms, and the third one proposes issues such as “the cause, wisdom, and goal of Occultation”. The third aspect suggests that its cause is due to the behavior of people, its goal concerns Divine action, and its wisdom belongs to its characteristics and properties.
From among the three constituents, obviously, the why question of Occultation has the most ties to the issue of Imam’s appearance. And from among the three concepts of why questions, the concept of cause has the most ties to the happening of appearance. Generally speaking, Imam’s appearance happens when Occultation is gone, which might only go when the causes of occultation is gone.


Main Subjects

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