Ayatulla Fayyazi on the "Existence" as primary or Secondary Intelligibles

Document Type : Original Article


student of Philosophy of social sciences at Imam Khomeini Institute of Education and Research.


Primary intelligibles, philosophers hold, are general concepts whose referents exist in the external world. On the contrary, secondary intelligibles or mentally constructed concepts do not have referents in the outside world. People like Suhrawardi who believe in the real primacy of quiddity consider existence as a secondary concept because they hold that existence is merely constructed by the mind and thus is not real. On the other hand, after Mulla Sadra who vindicated the real primacy of existence, his followers were to consider existence and its attributes as primary concepts, because according to them it is existence that really exist by itself in the external world, rather than the quiddity. Nevertheless, they still believe that existence and its attributes are secondary intelligibles.
    A few solutions have been proposed to dispel that contradiction. Ayatullah Fayyazi holds that the correct view is that existence as an infinitive is a secondary intelligible and mentally constructed, but as a verbal noun is a primary one and real. Other views are: 1-the general concept of existence qua its generality is not real; 2- the fake concept of existence -viewing the fact that the reality of existence does not come into the mind- is regarded as a secondary intelligible; 3- the secondary philosophical intelligible is interpreted as a concept lacking any independent referent, or as concept secondarily understood, or as a concept made through comparison. All those solutions are invalid .


Main Subjects

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