Imam Khomeini on the Justifiability of Bodily Resurrection and the Criticism of Tafkiki School

Document Type : Original Article


. An associate professor at Hakim Sabzewari University


Imam Khomeini’s view on the justification for bodily resurrection has demonstrated the competence of Mulla Sadra’s metaphysics and its profound groundwork for the explanation and consolidation of religious beliefs, thus his dynamic thought in different cycles of time. There are some people, however, who by throwing doubts and distorting Khomeini’s views try to ascribe anti-Sadraism to  him, particularly in the theory of bodily resurrection.
    Imam Khomeini’s account and documented criticism of Sadra’s bodily resurrection and his defense of Mulla Sadra’s groundwork of metaphysics not only dispel the doubtful claims of Tafkiki school people, but also pave the way for others to benefit from Sadra’s noble metaphysics. The late Khomeini’s groundwork of metaphysics is identical with that of Sadra’s; however, his justification mostly rests on religious motifs, i.e. verses of the Qur’an and Islamic traditions.
    Imam Khomeini has followed up Sadra’s multifaceted view on resurrection in its epistemological ontological and psychological dimensions regarding it competent enough to settle the how-question of the issue. In the epistemological dimension, he passes by the superficial inquiry and rejects the resurrection of main elements theory as a necessary prerequisite for his view. In its ontological dimension, he pays serious attention to the graded existence of the soul in this world and the next and the promotion of body from potentiality and corporeality to its actuality and being incorporeal. In its psychological dimension, he proposes the how-origination of soul in its different phases and the body-mind relation as the main prerequisite to understanding the how-question of bodily resurrection .


Main Subjects

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