An Examination of the Connection Between Conception and Judgment with a Look at the Principle of ‘That Which Does not Have a Logical Definition Does not Have a Proof’

Document Type : Original Article


Assoicate Professor and faculty Member, Mufid University


Muslim philosophers used two philosophical principles, i.e. ‘that which does not have a logical definition does not have a demonstration,’ ‘and that which does not have a demonstration does not have a logical definition,’ to show the connection between conception and judgment in man. So, they said that the possibility or impossibility of one is the sign of the possibility or impossibility of the other.
In this paper, first, the meaning and categories of the logical definition and demonstration have been explained. Then, the meaning of these two principles has been discussed. Following this, the proofs for these two philosophical principles have been presented. Some of these proofs show that there is a general necessity between conception that is acquired through the logical, existential definition and judgment that is acquired through the demonstration in which something is proven through its cause. Some other arguments do not indicate any necessary connection between the two aforementioned types of knowledge.
Therefore, according to the conclusion of another proof it is possible to generalize the necessary connection between the logical demonstration and the unconditional ‘limmi’ demonstration to include the logical definition of quiddity. Also, with respect to the universality or particularity of propositions that relate the existential or non-existential connection between the two types of knowledge it is possible to state two conditional views.         


Main Subjects

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