Darwinian Chance and the Genetic Mutation According to Islamic Philosophy

Document Type : Original Article


PhD. Philosophy of Religion, Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute.


Nearly 150 years after the publication of "Origin of Species," "evolution theory" is still subject of extensive contemplations on part of thinkers in the areas of science and religion. Darwin's theory of evolution has the diverse components that misunderstanding of it has led in many cases to disputes in vain. Among these component is, Chances. Chances has a variety of meanings, like a phenomenon that has not cause, a phenomenon that has unclear cause and the phenomenon caused by blind and purposeless cause. In contrast, Islamic philosophers have assessed these three meanings and have accepted the second and third of these meaning. But Islamic philosophers emphasized that these meaning is not against of theism. As a result, declaring the fundamental components of the theory of evolution explainable, many philosophers see a congruence between theory of evolution, even with Dawkins genetically oriented account of it, and theism. Yet, they believe that Dawkins supra-biological assertions are not logical implications of the theory.


Main Subjects

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