Assistant Professor and Faculty Member, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences

Document Type : Original Article


razavi unAssistant Professor and Faculty Member, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences


The interpretation of the verses of the Holy Qur’an that deal with the Origin and the End are one of the most difficult dimensions of this system of knowledge. Some say that such verses should be considered as part of the collection of ambiguous verses [of the Qur’an]. Therefore, they have avoided talking about them in any way. However, the Qur’an revealed such verses with the intent of teaching human beings something regarding the above-mentioned matters. What is more, there are also traditions from the Infallibles (a) that seek to explain them. It was for these reasons that many Islamic scholars sought to explain these verses to the best of their ability.
One of these verses is the one  which mentions the ‘transformation of the Earth into  something other than earth.’ This is related to the atmosphere of  the Day of Judgment and developments in the hearafter.  Some scholars take this to refer to a series of material and physical transformations while another group attempts to describe it philosophically and ontologically. In this article, using a comparative and analytical method, a comparison has been made between the scientific explanations of some commentators of the Qur’an  and the philosophical interpretation in  the Transcendent Wisdom of Mulla Sadra. It seeks to show how – contrary to the claims of some – the philosophical interpretation is capable of being justified on the basis of general rules of interpretation. What is more, such an interpretation does not go against any intellectual or common consent principle of the understanding. . I It is also in line with the apparent meanings of  other verses and traditions. Aside from this, it has accepted the apparent interpretation in its own proper place and is more capable of dispelling objections that had been leveled against it.


Main Subjects

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