Mulla Sadra on compatibility of theory of intellectual being of soul with Islamic texts

Document Type : Original Article


Shia studies، Hoda Faculty


While some philosophers advocated the theory of soul created in time others however defended the theory of eternal soul. Mulla Sadra believes that soul enjoys an intellectual existence before joining a body. This stage belongs to divine knowledge. This theory is not the same as the Platonic theory of eternal soul. While assessing Mulla Sadra's theory we come to know that in the arc of descent soul experiences a symbolic existence (wujud mithali) that explains the religious texts supporting the priority of soul to body. The Holy Quran somewhere mentions that soul existed prior to body. Philosophers have tried their best to reconcile their theory of the existence of soul with Quranic verses. It seems that Mulla Sadra has been able to do so. According to him before joining a body soul has an intellectual or symbolic existence. The Quranic verses and traditions that are related to divine covenant, divine treasuries or descent may be taken to mean the intellectual or symbolic existence of soul. This is because descent (for instance) indicates that soul, before joining a body was enjoying a higher level of existence (compared to its physical existence). Relying on this theory Mulla Sadra explains traditions that tell us that soul existed before it belonged to a body.


Main Subjects

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