A critical assessment of secular formulation of John Rawls' moral theory

Document Type : Original Article


PhD student of comparative moral philosophy of Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute


The question of the origin of moral values has always been among the most important and challenging questions for moral philosophers dividing moral schools into realist and non-realist. Positive secularism is a branch of non-realist school of thought. It includes all schools that regard common parlance as the origin of moral values. John Rawls' theory of social justice is an important theory in moral philosophy. It is not clear whether or not it is secular in nature. Some consider it as realist negating that it is secular whereas others term it as non-realist and secular. Using a descriptive – analytic methodology, this study alludes to some of the secular implications of Rawls' theory. It critically assesses this theory if it happens to be a secular one.


Main Subjects

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