An evaluation of objections raised against Zinoozi concerning elemental resurrection

Document Type : Original Article


Imam Khomeini institute


Relying on imagery body and its features, Mulla Sadra took long steps forward when he gave a rational explanation of many Islamic doctrines concerning bodily resurrection. Zinoozi however believes that one cannot explain many of the traditional arguments of bodily resurrection through relying merely on imagery body. That is why he gave a new theory in order to complete Mulla Sadra’s theory and explain all Islamic doctrines concerning bodily resurrection. On his view, after the departure of its particular soul, the elemental body remains under the care of the universal soul, continuing thus its substantial movement unless it reaches a stage where it is able to rejoin its own particular soul. This theory was rejected by some and accepted by other later philosophers including the followers of transcendental philosophy. Answering the objections raised against Zinoozi’s theory, this article tries to present an appropriate version of it


Main Subjects

  1. قرآن کریم

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