The challenge transcendental theosophy faces in philosophical explanation of return

Document Type : Original Article


PhD student of Islamic philosophy of Baqir al-Ulum University


According to Mulla Sadra, metempsychosis which is the return of a soul to another body is impossible. This definition is however applicable to 'return' as a Shiite belief. According to Sadra there has to be a justification for the belonging of a soul to a body. This is while based on his principles, there is no justification for soul to return to the remaining particles of a body. Thus the question arises: Is there any justification for a soul that has left its body to return to its remaining parts, so that there should not rise the problems originating form preference without justification or from the issue of metempsychosis? The present study tries to answer this question on the basis of what Mulla Sadra has expressed on similar occasions elsewhere. Analysis shows that one cannot accept the issue of 'return' unless one accepts metempsychosis or the existence of a sort of relation between a soul and its respective body as a sort of justification. This is what transcendental theosophy cannot accept except with some sort of interpretation


Main Subjects

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