Copulative being and predicative being in Agha Ali Muddaris Tehrani and Allama Tabatabaei

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor and Faculty member of Imam Khomeini Research and Education Institute, Qom, Iran


Being is divided in accordance with one division into copulative and predicative, presupposing that copulative being is an objective being sharing the predicative being in terms of the common concept of 'being'. There is a controversy among philosophers as whether or not the difference between copulative being and predicative beings is real. According to Mulla Sadra,  the difference is real, with each having its own separate meaning. The present article aims at proving copulative being from the viewpoint of Agha Ali Muddarris Tehrani and Allama Tabatabaei, pointing out their differences and commonalities plus with their implications. It similarly proves that Mulla Sadra's followers, including Agha Ali Muddarris Tehrani hold the same opinion Sadra holds in regard with the difference existing between copulative being and predicative being. The opinion put forth by Allama Tabatabaei, according to which there is no substantial difference between the two, is not in harmony with Mulla Sadra's opinion based on which they are substantially different from each other.


Main Subjects

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