Understanding Primacy of Existence

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D student of Islamic philosophy.


The concepts mind makes after encountering external objects are of these types: accidental essential concepts, substantial essential concepts and finally philosophical concepts. You can have your distinctive characteristics when you are existent. The origin for the emergence of 'existence' is knowledge by presence (immediate knowledge).
      These concepts emerge from a single 'realization' and this single realization is indicated by all of them. However the object of one of these indications is the trunk whereas others are the branches. Philosophically speaking, the real is a prerequisite for the unreal. Essential concepts enter into one's mind before existential concepts and that is why mind considers them as real. Careful analysis shows that the object indicated by 'existence' is the same of the objective realization and the object indicated by essence is the limit of that realization in a specific domain.
      Conditional modes are of three types; nafadi, sha'ni and indimaji. Since the realization of accidents is the extension of the realization of substance and is thus united with it the fact that accident is nafadi (terminable) can be attributed to substance. Thus the object indicated by essential concept turns into nafadi characteristic for existence. Here the relative meaning of nafad is taken into account rather than its absolute meaning. This is because possible identity owing to its limitation does not include anything beyond its essence. [In other words] it is not available beyond its essence, though there are other beings over there, for it is not empty over there.


Main Subjects

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