Criterion of Argument of Truthful Ones (A comparative study of Avicenna, Mulla Sadra and Allama Tabatabaei's argument)

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor and Faculty member of Imam Khomeini Research and Education Institute.


No doubt, one of the privileges of Muslim philosophers (from Farabi onward) over other Muslim thinkers in demonstrating the necessary being is their argument of truthful ones. What is the characteristic of this argument and what is its distinctive criterion? The question this research addresses is: what is the criterion for truthful ones? Mulla Sadra does not regard Avicenna's argument as the argument of truthful ones whereas Avicenna himself gives this name to his argument. Does Farabi, who is the founder this argument, agree with Mulla Sadra on the criterion of truthful ones or does he have his own separate criterion? Which criterion did Allama choose? This study shows that Farabi, Avicenna, Mulla Sadra and Allama Tabatabaei have introduced a single criterion for the argument of truthful ones. As to whether or not the arguments presented by Avicenna and Mulla Sadra have the criterion for truthful ones it is something that however needs to be assessed. This study shows that Avicenna's argument and three other arguments presented by Mulla Sadra do not enjoy having the criterion of the truthful ones. However the arguments presented by Mulla Sadra in his Mafatih and Allama Tabatabaei in his Commentary on Asfar are the [only] ones that have the criterion of truthful ones.


Main Subjects

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