The Concept and Significance of Corporeal Continuity in Ibn Sīnā's Material-Formalism Theory (Hylomorphism)

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Philosophy and Islamic Theology, Allameh Tabataba'i University.


In Ibn Sīnā's philosophical system, the elucidation of the nature of material bodies is based on foundations such as continuity. These foundations serve as steps toward reaching Ibn Sīnā's chosen theory concerning the reality of bodies, namely, the material-formalism theory. Sometimes, there is a misconception that the concept of corporeal continuity is merely considered an experiential matter by Ibn Sīnā. Due to this interpretation (i.e., attributing the proof of continuity to sensory perception and experience) and its repetition and successive transmission, Ibn Sīnā has sometimes been criticized from a scientific perspective. An incorrect understanding is that if Ibn Sīnā will be asked whether a body is continuous or discrete, his response, based on the senses, will be continuity. Then, on the basis of this response, criticisms are raised against Ibn Sīnā by showing the achievements of modern science. In this article, we will examine, explain, and analyze continuity as one of the foundations of Ibn Sīnā's material-formalism theory. The explicit question is, what is the relationship between continuity and the explanation of the nature of the body? In other words, how does continuity, as one of the foundations of the material-formalism theory, help Ibn Sīnā prove his theory? In the course of this investigation, it will be shown that Ibn Sīnā himself does not believe the continuity based on sensory intuition and experience to be acceptable. The achievement of this research is to examine and analyze the relation of network of concepts related to the concept of continuity that are involved in explaining the reality of body. Thus, in this article, while resolving the raised concerns, an attempt has been made to present a coherent reading and analysis of Ibn Sīnā's discourse using his discussions on the concept of continuity and related concepts, such as potentiality for divisibility, the type of divisibility, the relationship between continuity and divisibility, and more.


Main Subjects

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