Critique and Examination of the Semantic Analysis of Expediency from the Perspective of Allamah Tabataba’i

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor and Faculty Member at the Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute


According to Allamah Tabataba’i, expediency means something being in accordance with its real nature, leading to its deserving and befitting goodness and benefit, without becoming corrupt that would deprive it of its positive effects. This definition can be semantically analyzed into three main elements: “expediency, being a state of existence”, "in accordance with the real nature of things" and "the real nature of things leading to deserving goodness and benefit”. Additionally, two secondary elements can be identified in this analysis. The consequences of this analysis become clear in the domain and instances of expediency. Although the provided definition is precise, it seems not to be comprehensive and only encompasses existential (takwīnī) expediency. Therefore, if we aim to provide a comprehensive definition, we should state that "expediency is the worthiness and appropriateness of every matter in accordance with the actual reality of the thing". This definition can be analyzed into three main elements: "expediency, being an existential and non-existential matter appropriate in accordance with the actual reality of things", "in accordance with the actual reality of things," and "the dependence of the levels of expediency on the degree of worthiness and appropriateness to the actual reality of things". Additionally, three secondary elements can be identified in this analysis. The consequences of this analysis are also clarified in the domain and instances of expediency


Main Subjects

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