Methodology of Applying Natural Assumptions in the Discourse on Faculties of the Soul in Sadrian Psychology

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Graduate in Islamic Philosophy, Baqir al-Olum University.

2 Professor and Faculty Member at the Baqir al-Olum University, Qom, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member at the Baqir al-Olum University, Qom, Iran..


Explorations concerning the faculties of the soul are among the most important discussions within Sadrian psychology. Based are two aspects, the discussions on faculties of the soul are interconnected with natural assumptions. Firstly, philosophers prior to Mulla Sadra have discussed psychological problems in the section on natural sciences. Secondly, the soul and body have a close relationship, to the extent that addressing certain issues related to faculties of the soul necessitates discussing bodily issues. In this paper, compiled data have been analyzed and examined using a rational method. It is established that natural assumptions, such as the theory of the four elements, the mizaj (temperaments) and the nine spheres of heaven, as well as empirical propositions regarding the effects and functions of animal body parts, have been employed in three ways in discussions related to the faculties of the soul. Some of these assumptions have been utilized in proving problems, such as enumerating and proving the faculties of the soul, the necessity of the faculty of touch, and proving the faculties of the heavenly souls. Other assumptions have been employed in expounding issues, such as defining and specifying faculties of the soul, elucidating the functions of faculties of the soul, and clarifying the position of tools and faculties of the soul. Some natural assumptions have even originated specific problems related to the discussions on faculties of the soul, such as the problems of faculties of the heavenly soul. 


Main Subjects

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