Methods of Discovering the Natural Rights of Beings

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law, at the Research Institute of Hawzah and University:


The method of acquiring knowledge in various fields of science is essential and yields significant outcomes. One of the problems within the field of philosophy of rights is deal with the following question: Through what method(s) can human beings identify the natural rights of creatures? This article aims to answer this question as follows: Right (entitlement) signifies worthiness. This is a philosophical concept which is understood by comparing each (purposeful) being with its purpose. Due to the division of rights-holders into various categories, different methods are employed to identify their natural rights, as outlined below:

Identification of human natural rights is possible through self-awareness, namely through intuitive means.
Identification of the inherent rights of the Almighty God is possible through one of three methods: intuitive, rational, or scriptural.
Natural rights of other types of beings (angels, jinn, animals, plants, inanimate objects, and social groups) are recognized through rational, scriptural, rational-experiential, or scriptural-experiential methods.

Consequently, the natural (inherent) rights of beings can be recognized not through one particular method, but through various methods. These methods include: rational, intuitive, scriptural, or a combination of them. The research method employed in this article is the rational method.


Main Subjects

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