Ayatullah Misbah Yazdi’s methodology in philosophical study, with emphasis on the book ‘Philosophical Instructions’

Document Type : Original Article


. Assistant professor and faculty member of Imam Khomeini Institute for Education and Research


Philosophical investigations enjoy special rank amongst contemporary Muslim thinkers. Rational defense of the theoretical foundations of religion is based on the results of these investigations. Undoubtedly, those philosophical studies are successful that have a methodology and are based on research criteria particular to this academic field. Ayatullah Misbah Yazdi, a renowned contemporary philosopher of the Muslim world, in his philosophical lectures and written works, has applied a novel and efficient method in philosophical studies. In this paper, using the descriptive analytical approach, by emphasizing on the famous philosophical work of Ayatullah Misbah Yazdi (Philosophical Instructions), his method is analyzed. Based on the research findings, the stages of methodological philosophy investigation are as follows: paying attention to the gaps and impasses in western philosophical discussions, deep critical analysis of the problem, examining the background, precise understanding, explanation and analysis of the problem, examining the proposed or possible points of view about the problem, paying attention to the outcomes of the points of view, paying attention to the usefulness of the discussion, precisely describing the opponent's point of view and its arguments, paying attention to the origin of the theory, criticizing and examining the opponent's point of view and its arguments, providing a valid argument for the chosen point of view, answering to criticisms raised or can be raised about the arguments of the chosen point of view, answering the related doubts, considering the result, observing the gradual course of the plan, deep philosophical analysis in a systematic way and applying the general rules to the problems of other sciences.


Main Subjects

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