The position of principle of causality in explaining the divine action based on the viewpoint of Mulla Sadra and its compatibility with the religious texts

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Islamic Philosophy, Mustafa International University

2 Assistant professor and faculty member of Mustafa International University


This paper explores the position of principle of causality in explaining the divine action based on the viewpoint of Mulla Sadra and its compatibility with the religious texts. It pursues the hypothesis that by analyzing the causality and explaining the copulative existence of contingent identities, the divine action, based on his thoughts, is the reflection of the divine attributes and the manifestation of the divine names in the contingent manifested beings. On this basis, the effect, because of its dependent identity and existential indigence, does not exist separate from its cause, as such that the perception of its existence is impossible without the perception of the one it is dependent on. Therefore, the divine action is the manifestation and the contingent beings do not have any reality but being the reflection of the divine in essence, attributes and actions. Their absolute indigence is explained by the three domains discussed in the paper, from the aspect of coming into existence (ḥudūth) and their continuance. The whole universe is the mirror of His beauty, of course proportional to the capacity of the contingent identities. Amongst the outstanding results of this philosophical account are: the unity in creation, mastership and lordship, absolute divine presence and manifestation, Allah being the only praiser and the praised one, the concomitance of divine action with the objective reality of praise in the entire universe in all its immensity and eventually the proper combination of intellect and narration. Therefore, God, as an originating agent, is ever manifested and omnipresent.


Main Subjects

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