Difficulty of Good Intention of the Agent in Moral Act

Document Type : Original Article


1 An assistant professor and faculty member of Islamic studies group in Mala'ir University.(the main author)

2 An assistant professor and faculty member of Islamic studies group in Mala'ir University.


One factor of the promotion of spirituality and morality is the criterion of moral act in the Islamic school of moral thought (voluntary proximity to Allah) required by both the very good act and good intention of the agent. When good intention of the agent, i.e. the sincere intention, is there, the action will be undoubtedly accepted; and it will be rejected, otherwise. If the intention of proximity were impure, the act would be rejected according to the apparent meaning of some traditions such as "I am a good partner". If that were the case, most people would fail to attain perfection happiness and Allah's pleasure left alone in despair, and Islam would be a cause of strait. This is what we mean by the difficulty of good intention of the agent.
    In their essay and adopting a descriptive-analytic method, the authors have proposed four solutions: 1- "a close look into the concept of partnership"; 2- "dealing with the quality of the act"; 3- "embracing the difficulty but counterbalancing it through divine mercy or the intercession of infallible saints"; and 4- "that the stages of proximity is graded".


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