The Representation of Quiddity or Existence

Document Type : Original Article


1 A 4th grade student of the Specialized Center for Islamic Philosophy, Qom.

2 A professor and faculty member of Baqir al-Ulum University.


According to the primacy of existence and the mental abstraction of quiddity, quiddity is a concept abstracted by the mind from the determination of existence of things outside i.e. from the ends or limits of existing things. There thus is a controversy among thinkers whether quiddity has an outside reality -although this reality might be in the shadow of and subordinate to existence- or it has no reality outside whatsoever? Some scholars hold that quiddity has no reality outside and it thus merely exists in the mind. The outside world is an abode for existence, alone. Nonetheless, we can truly and literally apply the concept of quiddity on existing things outside for quiddity represents them in the mind literally, rather than figuratively. Now a question inevitably occurs how a mental concept without outside reality might represent an outside thing. There are two different and unrelated things with two separate abodes -neither this is that nor that is this. This implies representation without something to be represented (referent) i.e. quiddity is representing something in the world outside without its being the referent and instance of the said quiddity; this is absurd.
In their essay, the authors have tried to analytically examine the issue. The result is that correspondence between the mind and outside reality is not of quiddity but of existence. That is to say there is correspondence between two grades of existence. However, such correspondence is not between one specific existing thing to another specific, but between one superior grade of existence to another inferior one.


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