A Comparison Between Arguments from Indivisibility of the Soul and Mental Knowledge in Western and Islamic schools of Philosophy and Answers to the objections of Physicalists

Document Type : Original Article


A PhD student of the philosophy of religion in Tehran University.


From among arguments for the incorporeality of the soul both in Western and Islamic schools of philosophy is that from indivisibility of the soul and mental states. Descartes is the most celebrated one who made use of this argument in the Western philosophy. After Descartes, this argument was undermined by criticisms leveled at it. In the Islamic philosophy, this sort of argument is referred to as the demonstration for the incorporeality of the soul, too. A few objections have been leveled at it; it is mostly assumed valid, though.
In his essay, the author tries first to give an account of the argument and then to answer the five objections raised by philosophers of mind and Muslim philosophers. Having adopted library-reference method and through description and analysis, he tries to clear those objections showing that the argument is valid and thus succeed in proving that the soul is incorporeal.


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