The Examination of “Verbal Witnessing of material Body in the Hereafter” and its Implication that Solid Bodies have Intelligence in the Light of Transcendent Theosophy

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhA PhD. student of transcendent theosophy in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

2 A professor and faculty member at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (the main author).

3 An associate professor and faculty member at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.


Some verses of the Qur’an suggest that the organs of disbelievers and evil-doers shall bear witness against them in the hereafter. Some scholars hold that witnessing of the organs is verbal which implies that they knowingly declare what they are aware of. Accordingly, bodily organs are aware of what our soul practices and they are resurrected in the hereafter in order to bear witness against the soul. This is one of Mulla Sadra’s theories and his followers have considered the knowledge of material organs as a proof of intelligence in solid bodies.
In what follows, the authors have dealt with whether this verbal witnessing is reconcilable with Mulla Sadra’s fundamental ideas so that he can use it as the demonstration for the intelligence of solid bodies. The authors argue that the answer is negative, because the knowingly witnessing of the body against the soul implies the separation and independence of our elemental body from our soul in knowledge, action, and resurrection. This is while as per Mulla Sadra’s theosophy, the body and soul have unified composition. Our body is not the origin of any perfection or action independently of the soul and we will not be resurrected in our elemental body. Accordingly, we cannot resort to those verses of witnessing of the organs in order to demonstrate that solid bodies have intelligence.


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