The Constituents of Intellectual Perception in the two Theories of “abstraction” and “union”

Document Type : Original Article


1 A professor and faculty member at Baqir-u al-Ulum University

2 A lecturer at Qom Seminary.


As the main index of mind, perception is divided into four categories in the current  Islamic philosophy. The most perfect perception is the intellectual one which is the differentia of Homo sapiens (rational soul) from animals. In what follows, the authors have dealt with how, in the course of its development, perception passes from senses to intellection and how it makes use of external factors -particularly Active Intellect- in order to get universals (of conception and assent). Peripateticism and transcendent theosophy proceed, in this issue, in a considerable harmony; nonetheless, due to their specific viewpoints on the very perception, they have adopted different views about the case. Peripatetics consider perception as a kind of abstraction i.e. detachment of the known from matter (and its accidents), but the followers of Mulla Sadra considers it some union between the knower (mind) and the known.
Another concern of this essay is to explain how our mind deals with the Active intellect and their complicated mechanism as the main constituent of intellectual perception in the two schools


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