Avicenna’s three Approaches to Divine Attributes of Perfection (Conceptual unity and Identity-in-Reality, Being Implied by the Essence, and Reference to Relation and Negation)

Document Type : Original Article


An associate professor and faculty member at Mufid University


Avicenna has advanced three apparently different theories about divine attributes of perfection: identity-in-reality and conceptual unity, being implied by the Essence, and reference to relation and negation. The study of his words proves that -despite the apparent meaning of some of his words- what he means by being implied by the Essence is not that those attributes are issued by the Essence so that it contradicts the identity-in-reality theory of attributes one with others or with the Essence; rather, he means that they are implied analytically and by abstraction. Therefore, this theory is reconcilable with other two theories. It will also be clear that although the theory of relation and negation is reconcilable with being implied by the Essence theory, it goes irreconcilable with the conceptual unity theory as per one interpretation or with the theory of identity-in-reality and conceptual unity as per another interpretation.


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