The Principle of Causality and the Human Sciences

Document Type : Original Article


An associate professor and faculty member at Imam Khomeini Institute of Education and Research.


Although the explanation of causality is one of the main aims of natural sciences, it fell under suspicions and ambiguities in humanities. Such ambiguities, not only led to the creation of contradictory schools about the nature of human phenomena, but also influenced the descriptive methods of humanities, and brought about major controversies about the aims of humanities. It seriously made the nature and quality of prescriptive sciences suffer from ambiguity, too. It is, thus, necessary to consider the principle of causality and its tie with humanities as one of the most rooted controversies  in the philosophy of humanities.  
In his article, the author has first studied some interpretations of causality in the course of human phenomena critically and then answered fallacies and doubts surrounded some scholars. He then goes to elucidate the principle of causality in the course of human phenomena through rational analysis and explain kinds of causality and their ties.


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