The Assessment of Kant’s Categories in Correspondence to Philosophically Secondary Intelligibles

Document Type : Original Article


An assistant professor and faculty member at al-Mustafa International University


Universal concepts particularly secondary intelligibles play a big role in philosophical studies specifically ontology and epistemology. Were these concepts not analyzed duly, they would pose many problems not only in philosophy and theology but also in natural sciences. Kant’s analysis of these concepts led to adverse consequences in theology the most important of which is that he closed the gate of theoretical theology.
In the Islamic thought, these philosophical concepts have been analyzed duly through the differentiation between nominal (such as a noun) and adverbial (such as copulative particles) applications of words, between primary predication and secondary predication, and between logically and philosophically secondary concepts. Nonetheless, Kant went wrong to relate these concepts to the judgments of understanding and to the element of time in his schematism.
The method in collecting data is library references and in examination is comparative-analytic. In his essay, the author has tried to examine Kant’s categories in the light of Islamic theory of secondary intelligibles.


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