Fakhr-u al-Din al-Razi on the Analysis of the Theoretical and Practical Reasons(From typology of perfections of faculties to the exploration of their ties in a happy life)

Document Type : Original Article


An assistant professor and faculty member at Islamic Sciences and Research College, Imam Khomeini International University.


In what follows, the author has dealt with the analysis of theoretical and practical faculties in terms of their perfection number and classification of their genuine cases. This analysis matters a great deal in the course of designing al-Razi’s philosophical writings on ethics. The aim of this research is to get into al-Razi’s system of thought in order to redefine the theoretical and practical faculties, typology of man’s perfections, and to redesign the constituents of man’s eudaemonistic life. The method adopted is rational-analytic and making comparison in some statuses. According to al-Razi, both theoretical and practical reasons have a cognitive aspect: the former is to know things as they are, and the latter to know the good in terms of practice.
    Through the analysis of perfections of these two faculties, we can design a comprehensive view on those perfections as fundamental and intermediate ones. Al-Razi introduces the fundamental perfections in connection with religious constituents and superior to Aristotelian analyses of moderation theory. In al-Razi’s point of view, the value of living a happy life in its cognitive aspect aims at its object and is higher than the intellectual contemplation, and in practical aspect rests upon moral manner. Furthermore, the author has deal with some formulations of the ties between theoretical and practical faculties analogous to al-Razi’s analysis such as: the deductive formulation by which practical reason makes use of general conclusions of theoretical reason, the classifications of ethical propositions of practical reason into those in need of contemplation and those in no need of, and the formulation as per the tie between practice and its result according to the large indexes of knowing Allah and proximity to Him.


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