The Theory of Coining Words for the Spirit of Meanings

Document Type : Original Article


An assistant professor and faculty member at Imam Khomeini Institute of Education and Research.


In what presented here, the author has dealt with whether current words such as water, the sky, the earth, hand, coming … used in religious texts for immaterial and none-sensible entities and events have first been coined for some material things. As it were, have they been coined for material things in a way that their literal applications include immaterial entities, too; or they have mainly and originally been coined for material signified in a way that their application for immaterial entities is metaphorical.
    Having made use of descriptive-analytic method, the author has first proved that at least some people of knowledge have defended the theory of coining words for the spirit of meanings through samples cited from them. They have also regarded the application of those words for immaterial and incorporeal instances literal rather than metaphorical. He then goes on to confirm the very theory carrying out a methedological  and linguistic analysis about it


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