An Inquiry into al-Hikmat al-'Arshiyya in the Light of Traditions

Document Type : Original Article


An assistant professor and faculty member at Imam Khomeini International University of Quazwin


In what follows, the author has gone to deal with whether al-Hikmat al-'Arshiyya (the wisdom of the Throne) and divine knowledge are merely open to revealed achievements through prophets or as an enduring truth is valid for all different times.
    Due to God’s all-emanation, the ontological and epistemological approaches of the related traditions highlight the openness of such enduring truth for good. Accordingly, the flow of such wisdom of the Throne endures for good, though the only requirement to receive is one’s determined struggle in the course of sincere devotion to God. According to the Shi’ite Principles, as the ever-renewed creation and God’s ceaseless all-sustenance which do not stop, the connection of His saints and the shower of divine wisdom on their mind do not come to an end, too.
    The necessity to deal with this issue woes to the fact that reviewing and fathoming out the meaning of traditions will open new horizons, enrich the system of religious cognition, and offer a novel analysis of that holy Muhammad is the last prophet and that the communication with God is still promising. Having purified their Souls in the light of divine guidance, the saints of God go to develop their spirits in the station of proximity to God; they may thus have the opportunity to share the divine knowledge directly or through a holy angel. The gift of such communication is wisdom of the Throne. Not only such wisdom falls within the frame of the Qur’an and traditions, but also is reckoned as the interpretation of Shari’a.


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