Mechanism of the Impact of Peripatetic Philosophers on Suhrawardi’s View in the Formation of Philosophical Secondary Intelligibles

Document Type : Original Article


1 An M.A. holder of Islamic philosophy at the Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought

2 Assistant professor and Faculty member of Shahid Behishti University.


With regard to the concepts, Suhrawardi is quite influenced by the sphere dominant on the peripatetic school of thought. That influence is quite evident both in the very formation of universal concepts and their classifications. Concerning the criterion for distinguishing concepts from one another particularly classifying philosophical concepts under secondary intelligibles as the first step for the formation of philosophical secondary intelligibles, Suhrawardi is quite obviously and largely influenced by Bahmanyar.
    It is much important to examine such mechanism deeper and deeper for it has brought about a unique success in the course of flourishing and systematizing philosophical enquiries particularly considering the ground paved by the preceding philosophers. In what follows, the author has made use of a philosophical-analytic method to study the viewpoints of both peripatetic and illumination philosophers (from al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Bahmanyar to Suhrawardi) in order to explain the qualification of that influence.


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