The Discourse of Transcendental Civil Wisdom Why, What and How

Document Type : Original Article


An associate professor and faculty member at Tehran University.


The subject matter is “civil wisdom”, i.e. “the social and political wisdom”. The main question is “What is civil wisdom?” Secondary questions are why, what, and how. The theoretical framework is both philosophy and wisdom, both political and civil, and particularly the mixture of the two, namely political philosophy or civil wisdom, all have always been thought-provoking questions and challenging. Civil phenomena namely the political and social aspects come out of three phases: whether it is there, what it is, and how it is.
The presupposition is that civil science, i.e. social and political phenomenology, parallel to civil phenomena, encompasses the three phases of ontology, epistemology (knowing that what something is), and knowing how it is. Hypothesis: “civil wisdom is: ontology and knowing social and political phenomena”. By the explanation of the hypothesis, I mean to know the true being, what-ness for certain, and how political reality is. Civil wisdom is of two phases of phenomena and social and political phenomenology; as it were, to know the nature and truth of political reality. I intend to explain the political wisdom in order to illustrate the policy of wisdom. The method is to analyze the text and content of the phenomena and phenomenology of political philosophy, and the works and views of the elite politicians in this field. The conclusion is the discourse and pattern of transcendental civil wisdom.


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