A Critical Assessment of Philosophical Issues under the Graded and Individual Unity

Document Type : Original Article


1 A lecturer at Qom Seminary School.

2 A Ph.D. student of philosophy at The University of Religions and Islamic Denominations.


One of the most significant issues in epistemology is to examine the graded or individual unity from many different angles. To begin with, it is to be mentioned that not only the theory of graded or individual unity has been proposed by Sardaian theosophy, but also by Avicenna and al-Suhrawardi’s schools of philosophy. The main pivot of the essay is to critically assess the philosophical issues under the graded or individual unity.  
What has been discussed in this article are: the differences between the necessary being as the being “negatively conditioned” under graded unity and as the being "Almighty" none-conditioned as the source of division under individual unity, the system of causes and effects under graded unity and the system of states or being in a state under individual unity, putting forward the theory of necessity and contingency under graded unity and its rejection under individual unity, res and quasi res predication under graded unity and he-is-he predication under individual predication, and the like


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